Sunday, May 31, 2009

What Up Snitches

Hello everyone. The team hopes that all is well in the states. We're still kickin it in South Africa, but not for long. It has been two amazing weeks full of great experiences. Tomorrow we are going to begin our homestay experience in Kaylesha; one of the largest townships in the country. We are all looking forward to this, but unfortunately our internet access will be limited for two whole days and we will come further in our understanding of simple living. FML! JK, its going to be tough but we can handle it. I'm sure, however, that the time we spend in the homestays will be amazing and allow us to learn to live far outside of our comfort zones. It could potentially make us better sons and daughters. No promises (znate da cu ja nikad promjenit mama i tata, oprosti) (thats Croatian for those non-Balkan's). In any event, stay sweet.
Much Love
Edits by Wigberto

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