Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Molweni ("Greetings!" in Xhosa) Everyone!

It's 8:30am here in Cape Town on Thursday morning, and I just wanted to send out a quick hello to everyone back home before we begin our day.

Since we arrived in Cape Town on Tuesday, we've been going non-stop...learning about the uniqueness of this city, seeing the sites, and visiting different NGOs in the townships.

Yesterday, we drove around Cape Town and learned about it's distinct history, one that is incredibly different from any other place in South Africa. Cape Town is the most diverse city in the country, and it has a long history of slavery and colonization dating back hundreds of years. Therefore, here in CT, you will not only find a Black Africa population, but many Africans who have been descended from Indian and various other Asian cultures, as well as a very large Coloured (by South Africa's definition of "mixed race") population.

I think that the group is really beginning to see how very complicated a country South Africa is. Not only has the country been out of Apartheid laws for under 20 years, but it is also plagued by an overwhelming amount of poverty, unemployment, and various other hardships. Last night, we had a particularly interesting discussion on HIV/AIDS here in the country as the team grappled with understanding the disease's prevalence in the nation (1 in every 4 women and 1 in every 10 men are infected).

As a result, the team is currently being challenged by South Africa and all it has to offer. But that does not mean that we all aren't enjoying ourselves or loving the country. As is the nature of this project, we are all growing in our UNCOMFORTABILITY, which is obviously not easy, but we know will make us better people in the long run.

In closing, we miss you all terribly....we'll be home soon enough! Thanks for keeping up with us, and we'll see you at our next post!

Roxanne and the Team


  1. Thanks for the update, Rox! Sounds like an amazing experience so far. I wish you and the team all the best!! Much Love & Peace, Emily

  2. Hi everyone!
    My name is Caitlin Flood and Chrissy is my best friend. I hope you are all having a wonderful experience. You should all be so proud of the work you are doing! I am praying for you all!!
    Chrissy, I miss you insanely!!! I can't for you to visit me in D.C. Love you so much!!! Good luck!!

  3. Hi Rox,
    I know you are doing an amazing job being team leader! You were the best swim captain and speech president a girl could ever ask for and your teammates are so lucky to have you! Have a wonderful trip and a safe return!
